Meeting Minutes 2021-06-08



Baltimore Canoe and Kayak Club Board Meeting

Meeting commenced at 7:14p on 6/14/21 Zoom Virtual Meeting


All Board Members were in attendance: Ed Blizzard, Jean Blizzard, Lew Glaeser, John Kemper, Chris Moize, Bill Offutt, Nick Shockney, Andrew Rabinowitz, Andrew Froom, Ryan Whiteleather, Cait Whiteleather, Beth Ryan, Kelly Buckingham and George Currie. BillO had to drop off early (8ish).

Secretary’s Report: Ed made motion to accept the April 2021 minutes and BillO 2nd the motion and it was unanimously accepted.

Treasurer’s Report: Bill made a motion to accept. NickS 2nd the motion and it was unanimous.

Safety Report AndrewF had successful SWR Class. The location changed due to high water at 1st location and so they moved to Lower Gunpowder. It was a late start but all went well. Andrew said that he received many compliments from the students. There were 15 students on the roster and there were 14 in attendance each day. We should purchase some bullet bags and he bought a strainer for $90.

ACTION – Jean will check to see if we voted on $$ amounts for Andrew to buy new equipment needed.


AndrewF has paid for ACA membership and the SEIC $65 and he will turn in receipts to BethR for reimbursement.

AndrewF needs to get recertified for Safety and Training and will work on that next Spring (2022). KellyM expressed that Charlie Duffy is no longer doing his certification safety classes for $50 it now will cost $500 per cert for each trainer.

AndrewF feels they could make due with only two certified instructors. AndrewF has someone in mind if we need a third.

Membership JohnK we currently have 133 paid members. Beth has a different figure in payments. We haven’t figured out the difference yet. ACTION John and Beth will try to work this out.


JohnK – will send in tax update info.


Word Press Software for BCKC Website Ryan says mostly what he needs to use is free. We are paid up on original website till end of next year.

Ben’s Creek donation $634 has been sent by Beth.

Gunpowder access and offering to help out where needed– BillO he has tried contacting them but they don’t respond. ACTION Cait will try to make contact to see if she can make any progress. ACTION Bill will send the POC’s to Cait.

Yough Family Camping and River Weekend we plan to let everyone fend for themselves for food, etc. we do not have someone to lead a full blown “services provided” trip. AndrewR suggests we might buy some snacks, etc. and maybe allot

$300 for snacks.

ACTION - Ed wants us to appoint folks (members/non-members) to lead trips for the various rivers for the Yough Family WkEnd. He doesn’t want to do it on the fly. AndrewF, NickS, JohnK, AndrewR, (check w/Ed for list).

ACTION Ed will put together a trip post for the Yough WkEnd. GeorgeC says so far, it’s been $210 in expenses for campsites. We agreed to charge $15 per person for the trip first come, first served as we are only allowed 40 people at the camp site.

ACTION Cait & Ed will check on what’s involved to do Yough registrations to include payment. They will probably put it on FB and connect with a PayPal link for payment and registration.

Beginner’s Program Eric Ruhl ACTION Ed has not gotten a report for this and will work to get it for the next meeting. Lew says there was a lot of excitement after the 2-day Beginner’s program.

Boat Loaner Gear we may want to discuss replacing our current fleet however, now probably isn’t the right time due to high costs of boats now from the COVID experience. In the 2-day session, we had a person sent home because we didn’t have a big enough boat and there was another guy at that session who barely fit in a boat, he was a large frame/build as well their hips would not fit into the cock pits of any of the boats in our fleet.

ACTION - A motion was made by NickS to order 5 NRS air bags, Cait 2nd Lew will do that and get reimbursed. ACTION ED will ask Eric if there were any issues with any of the boats during this season’s programs.

ACTION - Lew will connect with Eric Ruhl to get the boats he wants to keep in his garage for helping beginners. ACTION - Ryan will provide figures for the Y in Catonsville for using their pool for roll sessions.



TRR NickS Patapsco Valley & Kennedy Krieger - the programs have gone very well. TRR would like to do this with us 5 times a year Nick said that might be a little much. We had a lot of club volunteers even with the rain date change. Nick is happy to continue to work with them. We did purchase snacks, spending about $130. AndrewR volunteered for 3 events a year. Ryan and Cait will also volunteer for future events. The next TRR event is scheduled for 10/16/21. Ryan suggested we could add an extra pool session and invite TRR to come. NickS will use the remainder of the budget for the next event.

ACTION – JB – check to see how much was allotted in $$ for the TRR for NickS.

Certifications Eric Ruhl would like to get recertified for training. Cait enjoyed the Wilderness training, and we should also consider CPR training.

We had discussion about how to offer paid for certs to the membership. There needs to be more discussion about how to go about it. ACTION Ryan will make a blurb to add to the member registration and send it out to the board for review.

Encouraging Trip Coordinators for all trips (club or pickup) Ed asked “how do we get others to pull trips together”. AndrewR says we need to go back to FB and post trips and see who signs up. There was extensive discussion about how to handle this, post with/without trip coordinator and once people sign up, then ask someone to be the trip coordinator.

Cait will post several upcoming river releases and state clearly that “there is currently no trip coordinator”. All agreed to move forward with that.

FB Restrictions – ACTION – AndrewR will research for FB Group Rules and share them with the board via email.


Monthly BCKC Meetings How shall we continue: with Zoom Meetings or In Person Meetings? Most would like to do the meetings in person. ACTION Ed will contact the meeting hall.

Motion to adjourn made by JeanB – Lew 2nd – meeting adjourned at 10pm.